Tuesday 18 November 2014


Turtle Island Peoples versus Constitutional Monarchy of Canada
Thank You For Considering This Invitation To Mediate The UN Credentials Challenge Upon Canada
By Indigenous Nations Of Turtle Island North Of The 49th Parallel, As Supported By Those South
Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council Of Chiefs : Since Time Immemorial

Elizabeth II, House of Commons UK, House Of Commons Canada, Emperor of Japan, Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma, Union of BC Indian Chiefs
Including, But Not Limited To
 Free Prior Informed Consent : Rocky Mountain Cree Nation Territorial Integrity v. Crown Canada 2014

Whereas, it remains to be the enforceable, recognized constitutional right by international custom law standards for the Haudenosaunee Confederacy to withdraw - per its Veto options - the right of occupancy to the United Nations where respect to original and continued paramount, unencumbered sovereign authorities by these said indigenous Peoples to govern their lands is not honoured; namely, granting the UN membership to Crown Canada contrary to its Charter; including, but, not limited to the 1923 Haudenosaunee Confederacy petitions at the League of Nations; and, where Haudenosaunee Confederacy governing entitlements are recognized continuously by Dutch authorities by trade agreements since 1613.

The Empire of the Netherlands, as an accredited United Nations. And, therein, this Netherlands nation is entitled to and obligated by the UN Charter to aggressively preserve within the bounds of universal and fundamental human rights those principles of peace, trust and friendship upon which this United Nations is founded.

Based upon the established since 1613 friendly Treaty accords between the Netherlands and these Haudenosaunee Peoples and the evident good relations with monarchical Canada, the Original Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island North of the 49th Parallel, herein, via the Council of Fires, submits to this Empire of the Netherlands that these historical relationships places this Netherlands within the acceptable parameters to facilitate an acceptable land titles resolve via the United Nations Charter provisions, forthwith.

The Proposal :
  1. The Original Indigenous Peoples Court International shall jointly with the United Nations Security Council per the Netherlands (as one of the founding member states) shall compose a hearing of the UN Credentials Committee ; wherein, there shall occur a fair and complete hearing of the Canada membership credentials as prevailed at the UN 1945 founding;
  2. These  said UN credentials hearings shall include, among other matters, the historical references to the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (per emissary Chief Deskaheh) attempts to submit protests against Great Britain and Canada at the League of Nations in 1923; specifically, the claim of violations per the principles of Peace, Trust & Friendship Two Row Wampum, as established with the Netherlands in 1613;
  3. Further, these Credentials Committee hearings shall include, per fair and complete provisions of natural justice, the publications by J.E. Fitzgerald, Burke, Phillpotts , Isbister ; and, the The Liverpool Financial Reform Committee, wherein, the relevance of the British Coronation Oath upon the Monarch, the "Rupert's Land" gift; and, the Hudson's Bay Company Charter failure to gain parliamentary endorsement are recognized as being relevant matters of fact;
  4. Including, it shall follow, that the Canada Truth & Reconciliation Commission shall be petitioned to submit its records to this Credentials hearing; including, the Canada Royal Commission of Aboriginal Peoples; and, the UN Permanent Rapporteur Anaya's 2014 Report on Canada and its relations with indigenous, aboriginal Peoples;
  5. Additionally, The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights regarding the Hul'qumi'num' Treaty Commission (HTG) submission for resolve in the matter of their 2-million acre land claim against Crown Canada; this HTG petition is supported by amicus curiae submissions by Lawyers Rights Watch and Amnesty International;
  6. Plus, the unresolved 2009 Canada Indian Day School 60,000 Victim Survivor's $15-Billion Class Claim against Crown Canada ;
  7. Noting the Union of BC Indian Chiefs re Stolen Lands, Broken Promises
  8. Further, the 2005 Touchstone Committee submission to Elizabeth II to provide adequate, independent, competent legal counsel of their choice funding to indigenous Peoples for purposes of litigating both civil and criminal allegations against Crown Canada regarding the enforcement of re-locating indigenous children from safe homes and being returned to known mold-infested homes (the parent being a serving RCMP member who objected); Elizabeth re-directed this petition to the attention and response by the Canada Governor General and the House of Commons government of the day - no legal fundings were ever provided; and, these children were forceably returned to this moldy home (n.b. SCC Chief Justice videos commentaries); and, (including, but not limited to)
  9. The 2014 Supreme Court of Canada Tshil'qotin Land Claim entitlement decision, returning lands that were excluded in absence of the principles of Free Prior Informed Consent.
Thank you, Empire of Netherlands, for considering and responding to this genuine Petition of Right; alleging that Crown Canada is not entitled to claim lands north of the 49th parallel in territories remain within the customary and traditional governing right of Original Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island North.

This Petition to your attention is submitted through the principles of Gus Wen Tah / Peace Trust Friendship / Two Row Wampum / Covenant Chain : those which have prevailed between the Netherlands and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy since circa 1613 / these Original indigenous Peoples - in combination with the associate 1100 other indigenous Peoples continued nations of Turtle Island North since 13,000 years ago.

As you will find in the submissions, supra and their links, there are legions of fact that support the prerequisite for United Nations mediation on these issues via the Credentials Committee, stat.

If the UN is to remain credible and relevant through this 21st Century, then, it is imperative that this fundamental test of the UN's jurisdiction to render and enforce its Charter. There is arising and continuous example of leading nations circumventing the UN jurisdiction in campaigns alleging the recovery and preservation of democratic principles throughout the world as a matter of entrenching the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy celebrated 400 years of the Two Row Compact in 2013. This continues to be the longest, continuous example of nations entering into and manifestly preserving peaceful trade relations through the simple compulsion of mutual respect.

Again, our submissions to the attention of the UN on these matters began in 2005; with updates in 2013 & 2014. The Haudenosaunee began their campaign in 1923; and, chiefs have been journeying to Great Britain since 1795 for settlements on outstanding claims of abuse and breaches of rights of sovereignty.

Certainly, the bad, past practices of the Catholic Church's Papal Bulls (1095 and 1453); wherein, they have enunciated and threatened European Empires with unflinching war and condemnation to purgatory : namely, wherever those European nations venture, that they shall enforce the Christian Catholic Church dominion; that non-Christians do not have the capacity to understand ownership of land. Today, those repugnant Bulls continue to stigmatize the worthy policies of a leading spiritual house.

In this modern era, where there is an obvious, continued warfare between faith-based nations and economies; it becomes imperative that nations based upon Peace Trust & Friendship shall prevail.

The Netherlands positive response to this Petition, herein, for advocacy to the UN for the immediate convening of the UN Security Council and the UN Credentials Committee on these matters of Turtle Island North of the 49th parallel Original indigenous Peoples is urged with all good and just cause.

The issue of the conflict in the Ukraine is relevant here, as it, likewise, is based upon historical and custom law matters; which are further tested for credibility by the issues of commerce and trade in relation to in situ energy resources - and, whether it shall be Russia or Canada that will supply oil energy resources into the European marketplace.

Settling these land title conflicts in "Canada" via the United Nations Charter will provide the global community with guidelines for resolve elsewhere ... in the Ukraine, the Islamic State, Pakistan versus India, China versus Japan; the USA versus everywhere ...

Huy'ch'qu' / Thank You / Merci / Miiqwich /Vivamus
Shqwiqwal Yuxwuletun / Ralph Charles Goodwin / Emissary
Editor Publisher +1News Central
1.778.433.3908 / 1.250.709.1809
cc : Dr Lynn Gehl
on behalf of
Original Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island North
per instructions via
League of Hereditary Heads of State